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Three Books You May Love: Cassandra at the Wedding, To the Lighthouse and When You are Engulfed in Flames

Cassandra at the Wedding
Cassandra at the Wedding by Dorothy Baker is one of the finest books I’ve ever read. It’s an unflinching portrait of a middle class family, and raises questions about how we should live our lives. All the while, it’s funny, a dazzling read, and an intriguing story. Published in 1962, it is relevant, powerful and evocative.
I hate to gush, but I was bowled over by it and couldn’t believe I hadn’t even heard of it until last year. It went on my to-read list back then, I bought a copy from BookShop, and it lingered on my shelf until a few weeks ago. There will always be a copy on my bookshelf.

To the Lighthouse
I also finished To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. This was recommended to me by one of my writerly friends. This book is as much of an immersive experience as you can have while reading as the points of view are deep in the personality of the character. That point of view shifts abruptly, sometimes mid-paragraph, sometimes mid-sentence. It tripped me more than once…